Yes, we have had a spring in our step of late. I have noticed the odd happy dancer in the garden. We have been enjoying the wonderful signs of Spring. Are we not blessed to be shown signs of a new season. Its the gradual changes that makes us gasp and delight in the tree that 'popped last night'. As always, Season celebration preparation has to be the most memorable in our home. Everyone decides to bring out their talents...the nature table setter, the ribbon collector, the may pole (in our case the September pole ..does sound odd!) erector, the flower arranger and the baker. We also decided that because our gnome and fairy village is coming along, that the fairy's needed a may pole themselves. We baked a lovely mielie bread (sweetcorn) for snack and ate under the courtyard tree. Aaron has also had so many baby tumbler pigeons been born lately. We are in baby bird heaven..we have 10 so far.
A happy day to you all~
best spring wishes to you and your lovely family! Your fairy garden looks so beautiful....and the sweet baby ducklings:):):)
enjoy this time of renewal and awakening:):) we are getting ready to go to sleep for fall here....
Dearest friend~As you are approaching Spring and enjoying the signs of "awakening," I am enjoying the signs of Autumn with the gentle quietude of chilly nights and leaves falling. Listening to the seasons is one of my favorite things to take time to do.
I love the maypole and know the gnomes will appreciate it. Your bread looks divine and I wish I was there to enjoy the day with you and your family. I love you, Susan
I love the maypole outside the fairy house!!!
Hi Dear Suzanne. I was just stopping over to see how everyone is doing. Spring is surely there now. What a lovely time you are making of it and it looks so festive and full of life. We are looking forward to autumn. The air is changing and the evenings are becoming cool. One of my trees is almost all yellow, which is so early for that to happen. As you are springing to life, we are calming down and getting ready to head in doors for some intense knitting. Be well and hugs to you all.
happy days darling.
we are enjoying the turning of the seasons too and welcoming Autumn and all its beauty.
"Spring spring, hey ho for Spring" cheers Marie
Nice to share the same season with a fellow blogger! We too are enjoying the warmer mornings and that beautiful spring scent in the air. :D I love your garden setting! xx
i commented here earlier, but it refused it for whatever reason. ??
happy spring tidings to you! i do hope my fairy makes her way to your festivities soon. ;) love the fairy maypole and those baby birds are wild looking!
Yes,spring airs...wonderful.
Your fairy garden looks so beautiful.
Welcome spring in Argentina.
Dear Susan, your spring table is so very sweet. The maypole is one of the loveliest spring time celebrations, wonderful that you enjoy them even in September! the little fairies to, get to dance under the moonlight. Happy Spring time!
i love the wee "maypole"! what do you call it in the southern hemisphere?
happy spring to you and your family! we are welcoming autumn here in SF, and it's so sweet to see the juxtaposition of our two corners of the world. many equinox blessings to you!
what a beautiful, beautiful blog this is, I am so glad to have found you :) Happy spring to you from a neighbour in the southern hemisphere!
Dear Suzanne, Thank you for your sweet and inspiring words on my blog.
Since I saw your lovely comment this morning I couldn´t wait to visit you, as I was sure your blog had to be very interesting and full of beauty, and it certainly is!
What a creative and wonderful education for your cute children, it´s so great!!
Have a nice day!
Such a wonderful Spring celebration. I love your fairy "september" pole. The bread looks absolutely delicious. Such a beautiful family you have. :-)
Looks like such a wonderful way to bring in Spring
Dear Suzanne,
There is always such a gentle and elegant beauty shared here of your days. Thank you for sharing these moments in this space with all of us too. Wishing you a bare foot walk among the gardens while your little chicks follow behind gathering up flowers xo
Hello my sista!
I really do need to send you a message to chat. Just wanted to say happy spring to you. I can see you are all having a beautiful, happy time. My mother has visited and returned home now. We are all well and happy. Lots of birth and growth and joy in your home. Much love, my friend.
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