What a wonderful awakening in our home. Our 13 year old Brogan is coming into her own. The changes physically, mentally and emotionally are exciting and new. The Renaissance has been Brogans 7Th year learning block recently . The meaning in French "rebirth". So many wonderful personalities have been read about. I absolutely love gentle Waldorf learning. The 13 year old's new awareness runs completely parallel with the development of the European consciousness in the Renaissance. Our Live Education curriculum has worked so well for our children. Every inch of this beautiful pure inspired Waldorf curriculum has been a blessing.
Here I have Brogan painting Raphael's Sistine Madonna the Divine mother. It is one of the most celebrated of all paintings. She passionately moved her brush and involved her fingers to create this. Aaron is studying the Norse Myths. He chose to paint a viking ship on calm seas. I was intrigued by his interest and amazed at his color choice for the seas. My little Olivia is learning about nature. She is blossoming. She chose to paint the night skies. She chose to place herself looking up at the beautiful big moon. I just love how this turned out. To me this looks like the bigger picture we all somehow seem to miss sometimes. I think my Little artists have amazing talent here.
A Happy day to you all~
They are all wonderfully talented!! Just beautiful. :) xx
Suzanne, my heart missed a bit when I read how lovingly your wrote about your daughter .. just a couple of days ago my niece's mother posted on her Facebook (which her daughter can read)
"having a 13 year old girl just might be the worst thing ever. uhg!!!!! ok maybe not the worst but definately in the top 20"
.. I wish I was closer to hug, nourish and help her through these formative years. She is a beautiful, bright and courageous girl ..
I have been reading your blog for some time and appreciate how much you enjoy your children, how you teach them and what they teach you.
Such talent they have! And such a lovely space to create their masterpieces in.
looks amazing!! cant wait to see it finished!
looks amazing!! cant wait to see it finished!
You KNOW that I adore Waldorf Schools and have had the honor and privilege to be a keynote speaker at one of their big conferences in Colorado two years ago. It was incredible and charged with creativity and life. I loved every second of it. We were housed in a Waldorf office-guest house where all the mothers assembled with their children to make crafts in the morning. So inspirational.
I love your post! Beautiful.
Oh, I co-spoke with Tasha Tudor a few years ago. She was a will-o-the-wisp. Looked very fragile. Anyhow, her talk was funny and opinionated. I DON'T have a television in the cottage, but I am interested and have friends with teles.
Love and happiness to you and yours,
Sharon Lovejoy Writes from Sunflower House and a Little Green Island
Oh Suzanne, you told me you where doing this, so wonderful to now see!
More beautiful creating in your home, such a gift you give to your children.
Lots of love to you sweet friend!
The paintings are all beautiful. What talent your children have...and how wonderful you encourage their talents!
Thank you all so much for your lovely comments. Jovita thank you for sharing your words here. I am sure many teenagers would just love a little more sensitivity, love and understanding. One can crush a little soul so easily . ..love to you~
Sharon on a lighter note,...will-o-the-wisp just got me giggling~!
Thank you~
Dear Suzanne,
I am smiling ear to ear to see your children painting on the walls!! It brings me great joy to see other mamas loving their children so deeply, nurturing thier creativity and beautiful souls. This is what the world needs more of!! Soon I must post photos of my girls' room...They are covering the walls with thier own art and it is amazing.
What a gift you are giving them to use your walls as palettes!
Such talent.
Warm wishes, Tonya
Dearest friend~I love seeing the children paint on the walls. My mother, without hesitation, let me paint a mural on my bedroom wall and I loved that she had faith in me to find my creativity. This brought back a cherished memory.
Staying in touch with your children is so important and I never found it to be a chore. I love you, Susan xoxo
What a brilliant opprotunity for your children to paint murals on the walls. What part of your house is this?
how are you doing on raw?
Your young artists are truly magnificent!
Art truly is a window to the soul. What wondrous learners you have in your life!
Dear Suzanne, The paintings of your children are so beautiful. They are very blessed to be nurtured by such a loving mother - they are returning it in every beautiful way.
We are now in the USA, visiting many game reserves (state parks). We are presently in Santa Fe and head to the National forest tomorrow for some camping with the little ones. It's been an amazing trip so far.
Oh Suzanne! I am so exited to see your kids paint on the walls too! Im Beth's daughter and I love painting on the walls I am so glad you have confedence in your kids to do that. It really made me happy to have my mom and I'm sure your kids feel the same way!
(^.^) Lucy
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