Where do I begin....My heart was made especially for me. This I definitely know. The eternal romantic. I have never shied away from the fact that should romance come my way..in a descent way that is, I would leap up and greet it in the face. I teach my girls this, as no opportunity must go amiss. Love presents itself in so many ways, a smile, a touch, a good book, a song, a gesture of kindness, a poem, a glance. Receive it with open arms. A patter of the heart hurt no man. In fact, I consider romance to be a gift. I mention all this as having a teenager in the house now, has opened my eyes to the me of yester year. Having recently watched Eclipse and having followed Twilight and New Moon over the last while, Edward Cullen (BIG BIG Sigh...) and Jacob black have made quite a presence in our home. It is like a breath of fresh air in our bleak Winter days. I do not deny that my heart has also missed a few beats since the vampires and wolves have suddenly taken over.. I find myself feeling the need to run with the vampires, be one with the Cullen's. Forever in my young heart will always be a need to experience the flutters of love . My thoughts most passionately expressed..~
I couldn't agree more Suzanne! Who would have thought reading those books could do such things!
There's this series of books by Jacqueline Carey - Kushiel's Legacy. They're part of my "hopeless romantic" book collection. When I read them my heart and my brain go all fluttery and everything feels right. I'm a book fiend and there are some that I always turn to when I need to "go home" to that romantic part of myself.
I recommend Sunshine by Robin McKinley as a good place to start. (:
I was deep in Twilight-land this past winter when I read all of the books within a matter of weeks - obsessed is the word.
I was terribly disappointed in the first movie, but the second was a big step up. I have yet to see the third but R. has actually been asking ME when we can go see it ~ I think he's realized how HE benefits from my Edward obsession....
Have you ever read the Outlander series by Diana Gabaldon? I guarantee you'll love it. I'm on book 6, I think, and haven't been able to keep my nose out of the books since I started them this past Spring. Make sure you read them in order..
I was deep in Twilight-land this past winter when I read all of the books within a matter of weeks - obsessed is the word.
I was terribly disappointed in the first movie, but the second was a big step up. I have yet to see the third but R. has actually been asking ME when we can go see it ~ I think he's realized how HE benefits from my Edward obsession....
Have you ever read the Outlander series by Diana Gabaldon? I guarantee you'll love it. I'm on book 6, I think, and haven't been able to keep my nose out of the books since I started them this past Spring. Make sure you read them in order..
I was deep in Twilight-land this past winter when I read all of the books within a matter of weeks - obsessed is the word.
I was terribly disappointed in the first movie, but the second was a big step up. I have yet to see the third but R. has actually been asking ME when we can go see it ~ I think he's realized how HE benefits from my Edward obsession....
Have you ever read the Outlander series by Diana Gabaldon? I guarantee you'll love it. I'm on book 6, I think, and haven't been able to keep my nose out of the books since I started them this past Spring. Make sure you read them in order..
Suzanne, I LOVED reading this! loved it, Loved it LOVED it. :)
We are a houseful of girls here, 2 of them teenagers and one nearly there, so we are surrounded with love of anything romantic, too. Aaaahhh... ;)
Your post made me smile. I am a Twilight fan and also on Team Edward. Those pictures are great. I enjoyed Eclipse, but liked New Moon better for some reason.
Suzanne~Never change!
I have to admit - have not yet read the Twilight books nor seen the movies.
I must.
Diehard romantic.
Dear Sue,
So beautifully written my friend, for the romantic in all of us:) I am so enjoying the Twilight books and Richard and I are off to see Eclipse tonight:)
Love to you...
Dear Friends
Oh my so nce to see that you all are in agreement that romance is like a breath of fresh air~ I will most definitely be seeking out the books recommended Erin. Thank you~
A wonderful day to you all
Lots of love
I'm not sure why the Outlander books didn't enter my mind when I first commented. I've only read the first, but it was *wonderful!*
Another great series that I forgot to mention is The Pink Carnation series by Lauren Willig.
I wish I had more time to read. I used to read more than one hundred books a year. But with these two little ones (and the not-so-little one) I'm amazed I have the time to blink!
your blog is my new favorite place to be!!!!!!
Never change that young heart of yours, dear friend!
oh my friend, wonderful post and I am there with you, Team Edward xxx
What a beautiful post! We love Twilight and romance in our home, and were able to see Eclipse before the midnight showing thanks to a football team fundraiser!! Guess who was most excited of all of us - my 74 year old mother in law!! Adorable!
Another book recommendation for you - pretty much anything written by Patricia A. McKillip will send you into a dreamy, magical, romantic world. Every girl and woman I have sent her way has fallen in love with her writing. I suggest "Alphabet of Thorn" to start - definitely one of the best! And many of her covers in past years have been illustrated by Kinuko Craft...beautiful and magical and wonderous!
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