The 2010 world cup Soccer has come to an end. My biggest congratulations to SPAIN!. It has been the most amazing experience for our country to host the soccer world cup. We came united as a friendly South African nation to welcome all nations to celebrate with us. Our streets have been lined with flags, our homes and towns a buzz with soccer vibe. I am so proud of the wonderful opening and closing ceremonies. We have had celebrities enter our country by the dozen and it has been so exciting. I have grown to really like soccer and will definitely be watching more games. Ayoba one more time~!
Waka Waka Suzanne~I loved watching the games and seeing the young children play soccer. Did you get a chance to see Ari in action on my blog? He dribbles down the field and kicks in the ball, then, shouts, "Goal!!" I love it and I love seeing your children's enthusiasm for the sport. love you,Susan xoxo
Good morning, Congratulations to you for your lovely blog. Well done to your country for hosting the world cup it was spectacular. Spain really deserved to win.
Lovely win for Spain, I have your "Winter hanging"on my blog, cheers Marie
An amazing experience for South African, Suzanne. And now it's all over - sad, but it has been great fun! We had friends from Zim attending quater final, semis and the final matches with their two oldest children. What a time they had!! And Ayoba is that word!! I spelt it wrong! The new nickname of my sister's new babe! Hooray for football!
As a fellow south african, i cannot agree more! What an amazing experience and how great to say that we were there! We really did ourselves so proud. I really felt positive about our country and where we are going. Lets hope for Olympics 2020! :)
Thank you friends for your great comments. Thank you Allison for your visit. Always nice to hear from Fellow SOuth Africans.
A wonderful day to you
Warm regards
Ah, yes! We had so much fun watching the Saturday game at our family reunion - everyone all decked out in our Germany colors of course!! What an experience! Ayoba indeed!
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