Dear friends
I just thought I would just let you know that I am off to the Sea for a short break. We are travelling to the Drakensberg, doing the Midlands Meander and then off to Ballito where Andrews parents live. I am packed, exhausted... up all night ( Aaron and Olivia have colds!) and rearing to go.
I am leaving you with a few lovely photographs of Spring around my home. This gorgeous little owl made an appearance not too long ago and I just had to show you. My heart melted at the way it looked at me~! The glass bell has a few treasures that my dear friend Beth made for me...I just love them. When I return, it will be Summer and my garden will be a treasure trove of glorious flowers waiting for me to feast upon~
A happy day to you
Lots of love
Dear Suzanne,
Elsa and I are sitting here just in awe of the little owl and wishing we were there with you. We hope you have a lovely, wonderful trip to the sea and return home with lots of memories and treasures!
Beth & Elsa
Have a wonderful holiday at the sea with your family, dear friend. Rest and "refuel" for the summertime! Love you, Susan
Love the photos, especially your little owl; my Little King loves owls and I can't wait to show him this photo. XOXO
Dear Susan and Beth
I love that you both came through at the same time. I am taking my phone with me and will be emailing you both as I travel. Susan the little king would have loved the owl. It followed my every move as I worked around the kitchen. Beth don't your treasures look lovely in my home~ Love you both and will chat to you soon.
Lots of love
Have a gorgeous trip! And are you kidding me with that owl?! Much too adorable.
much love,
ohmygosh, that owlet is so darling!
OK, OK - what happened with the owl? Why was he in your kitchen on a towel and where are "his parents"? Please fill in the back story - and ENJOY your sea adventure!
Have a wonderful vacation- come back with lots of photos to share. I'll be looking forward to beautiful garden pictures too!
From the opposite side of the earth... Fargo, ND. I have enjoyed your blog for some time, especially when it is wintery-est winter here and I can relish the growth and green in your corner. I was in the Drankensburgs ten years ago and found it magical. The scenery was stunning. Wishing you and your family a lovely break. Look forward to reading more from you upon your return.
Thank you for your visit dear friends. I look forward to returning home to see my home and life through new eyes..I always come home with such inspiration. Amy we stayed at the drakensburg sun hotel with a view beyond words. I will blog them when I get back. You must let me know where you stayed... The story of the owl. My son aaron and I have volunteered to be the drop off point for injured birds in our area. They then get collected from my home and taken to the bird sanctuary. This little owl a 'marsh owl' had an injured wing. We named him hoot...he is happy and recovering well at the bird sanctuary. Those eyes could melt any heart!
A happy day to you
Hello my sista
Ahh at the sea. You guys enjoy every minute! Been thinking of you in your sarongs taking in all that is special about being by the sea. I bet Aaron is having the greatest time treasure seeking. I love sweetpeas very much and that owl. How precious! Must show my boys. Always love to you. Can't wait to hear about your holiday when you get back.
Happy travels to you dear Suzanne. This lovely little owl is just too sweet.
Hi Suzanne,
That owl is just too cute! Something about their little flat faces that tuggs and the heart strings! I really love your glass bell idea! So pretty. Have a great break ;o)
Shirley Ann
Have fun on your travels. When you return, please blog about how you came to have an owl in your house!
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