Ooh have I taken way too long to make something for our 'Mowzil' village craft spot. Ever so sorry. Well, after purchasing all that heavenly fabric from Etsy not so long ago,(Amy Butler, Heather Bailey and many more) I decided to start making a list of all the people I want to make Christmas presents for. I must say I struggled to cut the fabric...?? anyone gone through something like that! It all looks so beautiful packed together all color co ordinated and whole. So firstly I thought I would cut a small strip off one piece and see what I could come up with...Once I got going, it got all way too exciting and I burst into making the biggest thing....a Quilt for my King size bed. My gosh, then all the fabric started going~! Fancy that! Feast your eyes on my freshly cut squares. Sunny African yellow theme. One whole week of cutting...when I had the time.
Anyway first up for one of her Christmas presents is my Sister Cally. I sincerely hope she is far too busy learning about Rhino and Lion's to read my post and spoil her surprise. She is moving up to a small Town in South Africa. Off to the bush you see...At the moment she is studying to become a nature conservationist. I thought of her sitting on her quaint little stoep (veranda) looking out over into the dense bush and African sky and suddenly her lights going out. So I created this....to hang at her bedside.
I wrapped a pack of simple white candles individually in brown paper. Tied them together with some jute.Then I folded a neatly sewn double strip of pretty fabic to wrap around the candle pyrimid. I brought a large pack of matches, cut out the exact size fabric piece for the top of the box. Sew a firm piece of tracing fabric with the fabric of your choice(sorry I have no idea what it is called but it is the fabric you use to trace a pattern onto)it makes it firm. Then once sewn neatly,I glued it onto the top of the box of matches. I then made a small bag..just cut a piece of fabric on the fold. 25cm in length and 18cm in width. Sewed up the sides and added a fabric handle.
I hope you can use this idea. It is simple and I think I need one for my home too~
A happy day to you
What a gorgeous feast of colour to log on to this morning :) I too struggle with that first cut. I have just started on my own quilting journey, though, and it is a bit addictive. xx
beautiful fabric! your presents look adorable, love the match box idea, you are very organised.
Good luck with completing the quilt, I have many quilts on the go, I just can not seem to help myself in starting yet another just beacuse the fabric was so pretty!
I think any fabric-holic has that problem :) Every month when I look at my fabric stash to make an Apron-Give-Away, it's hard to decide what two fabrics I'm going to let go of. Thank goodness, there's scraps and I plan on making a scrappy quilt one day with all my "babies!" Love you, XOXO
Yay, I'm so happy to see some of your beautiful creating! Oh yes, I have that problem of cutting into fabric all the time. I have fabrics that I have had more than 10 years that I haven't cut yet! It works out well in the end though, when the piece finds it way to the perfect creation, feeling extra special to use a long ago favorite fabric to make somethings for one of the girls...
Your yellow fabrics are so beautiful, I can't wait to see the wonderful quilt! Yellow is so good.
Prettiest match box I've ever seen, I think I need to do that!
So nice to hear from you Suzanne. I hope all has been very well. Lots of love to you, Renee XO
Yes, cutting the fabric seems do permanent, so committed. When it is whole it is so full of possibilities... Love the sunshiny colors!
Oh Suzanne,
What a perfectly wonderful idea.
I love just looking at fabric too....
Warm wishes,
This is gorgeous fabric and I love your first gift completed. I suffer from the same issue of not being able to make the first cut. You are much braver than I for I still have a lot of lovely fabric just dreaming to be made into something. I can hardly wait to see what you do with the rest. Big hugs to you and I hope all is well.
Hello Suzanne-
Your ideas are always stupendous! I know that Spring is surrounding you now and you enjoy the beauty that South Africa has to unfold at this time so, enjoy,
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