Care to join us 'Down in the meadow' for a red and white gingham homemade Christmas this year... My love for country living has brought me to just love this theme. I start this early because I really want everything to be homemade. I love natural fibres and cottons. So ,the house is abuzz with Christmas craft. I hope to place all my idea's in this space for all to make and see. I went to a thrift store and brought some plain round wooden curtain rings. I cut some fabric into long strips and wound it around the ring. Glued the last piece at the top. I then cut out some felt stars, circles, hearts and mushrooms. I also felted mushrooms. These I sewed into place with some thin natural jute. Each little item needs to hang from the ring. The start of the Christmas trees dressing has already begun.
When we were in Knysna this year on holiday, I was walking through this lovely little village and got lured into a gorgeous shop by its smell. I was surprised to see that the shop owner had placed some vanilla essence into a burner . I must have been hungry! Anyway, I have taken to adding this little tradition to my home. Please try it you will LOVE it.. I brought these lovely trays and I think they are gorgeous! Just perfect for my veranda..
A happy weekend to you all~!
Beautiful Suzy!
Dear Suzanne,
I just love the ring ornaments! May I feature them on my Monday Handmade Holiday post at Plain and Joyful Living?
Warm wishes and blessings,
This is wonderful, and I love this cute little felted mushroom!
What a fun post! Your preparations for Christmas are lovely, just as your blog always is. :)
Thank you ladies
Let the fun begin..I really do enjoy lengthy celebrations. Starting with my decorations now is adding such a spirit into the home already. Every year I rush things and wish I had started earlier..
Lots of love to you
love the red and white gingham! I will take this into account when I make your xmas decoration!
love to you all!
Oh so cool, loving those wreaths, cheers Marie
oh those are so gorgeous my darling, perfect xx
Such a cheery holiday you will have!
I I just found you through Plain and Joyful Living! I just love your sweet red checked ornaments! Those have soared to the top of my "want to make for our tree" list! So sweet!!! Thank you for sharing.
Beautiful idea with the ornaments and easy enough for kids to help too I think! I agree, I love lengthening the holidays :)
Merry Early Christmas to you and your family!
I think you may have something to do with my growing love of red.
I have always loved gingham though!
I look forward to seeing all the loveliness you create.
I keep using the word "love" a lot.
Well, lots of love to you sweet friend! xoxo
Just to say...you are not alone. We are already in our christmas crafting mode too. I love your red and white christmas and your vintage finds are so beautiful. Your ornaments are beautiful and so cozy and creative. Enjoy your crafting and I look forward to seeing more.
Everything looks so lovely as always, I like the idea of getting a 'head start' on creating for the Christmas season it seems to bring such a peaceful and enjoyable rhythm to the days leading up to it. The kids and I are setting aside at least one of all of the crafts we (normally) create into a basket for holiday giving. Enjoy this time of creating Suzanne, i love the tiny mushrooms!
Dear Suzanne,
I love the red and white! Especially the gingham and the mushrooms. So sweet. And I am right there with you in thinking of Christmas early...of course, I'll still end up without finishing everything I wanted to do in the end, lol!
Good morning dear Suzanne, I read your comments on my postings today. We spent Monday with my publisher in New York City. Oddly, I felt right at home there in Greenwich Village, which is small, filled with tiny shops and narrow streets, and fabulous restaurants.
I love your country theme and the idea of using the wooden curtain rings. Smart Girl! I adore felting things and think they look great.
I have subscribed to the British Country Living for years. Is that the magazine you mean?
Sending love to you and yours,
Sharon Lovejoy Writes from Sunflower House and a Little Green Island
Suzanne~I love the ornaments. I can't wait to try some with the grand kiddies! Ari will want Owls, Maddie, a doggie.
You've inspired me to start thinking Christmas, even though I've dreaded this holiday without my precious daughter, you somehow have brighten it. I love you, Susan
Absolutely wonderful!!!
brilliant idea...and they turned out so SO sweet!
xo maureen
Beautiful! Your blog is amazing--- just found it, and wondered if we were seperated t birth??!!!!
Looking forward to reading more!
Dear friends old and new
Thank you for coming to my space~
I hope to visit you all shortly. Samantha, I have met many kindred spirits through blogging. It is always a pleasure finding like minded friends. It can be quite amazing finding people who are exactly like you...
A happy day to you all
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