Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Our year of learning

We have had a wonderful year of receiving so many learning opportunities. I am a blessed mother. I have to thank Rainbow and Bruce from Live-Education for their inspiring pure Waldorf Curriculum. We have used many resource books and guides to supplement our year. Donna Simmons from Christopherus is a gem. I love her relaxed homeschooling style and her way of making you feel that all is well, just breath and start anew when you are ready. I too have brought guides from Barbara Dewey which are so helpful. We have studied the ancient civilisations of Persia and Mesopotamia, Egypt(Isis) , India(Sheeva) and Greece. Botany, Maths and language. Aaron has just loved the Saint stories. St Francis having touched his heart the most. St George and the dragon, St. Christopher, animal stories and fables. An exciting block of the Weather. How wonderful to feel each moment and wait for the right weather conditions to take your child out and study the cloud formation of the day. I have posted some Beeswax crayon sketches and water colour illustrations of their work.


Linda said...

Your year of work looks lovely!

suzanne said...

Thank you Linds

I am so pleased with their progress. Claire is a blessing and I have really enjoyed working with her.


Unschoolers Rock the Campground said...

My husband is a social studies teacher in a public school. He teaches about ancient civilizations. Specifically Mesopotamia, Greece, Egypt, Rome, and more.
Because he loves the subject, it has become a favorite here. The kids especially love the mythology.
They will love the pictures. Can't wait to show them!

suzanne said...

Hi Jean

We just loved these subjects too. We learnt about ancient mesopotamia as well. Beowulf, the kalevala, the norse myths have all been part of our studies. I will blog some of those pictures too. Brogan will be learning about the middle ages , ancient Roman history and ancient Greek history. I will blog our work through the year and would love to have any information your hasband can put us in touch with.

Thank you

nocton4 said...

very inspiring x