I cannot resist the urge to create art out of every situation. My enamel kitchen bowls are no exception. Today I would like to display a few photographs of what seems to always be fruit in all its glorious color....I too have a photograph of my handsome Father on his wedding day. My Mom always said his looks would have made it in Hollywood.... Today I thought of him.
I am off to soak in the Sun for a short beach holiday...I hope to have a lovely post to share when I get back..
A happy day to all~
i love the dew dripping off the beautiful peaches....!! and yes, your father was certainly a looker, as they would say back in those days:)
Hi Suzanne
Enjoy your holiday! Your father could have been in hollywood ;)
I just LOVE enamel bowls! It's like an addiction!
Ah a beach holiday! I am envious. We are trying to plan a break for the september long weekend to go to Clarens in the Eastern Free state. Enjoy every moment!
I love your enamel bowls! ...and what a handsome Dad. Look back at my April post of my Dad; I think they're brothers :)
Have a wonderful time in the sun. We'll catch up when you return. Love you, Susan xoxo
Suzanne, I am doing the high-raw diet now and I was wondering if you have some great, fast, easy recipes you could share here? I know you've taken a course and everything! Great photo of your dad, I love old photos!
Hello dear Suzanne. I hope you are having a wonderful holiday. We have just come back and are suffering the effects of jet lag. I just wanted you to know that I was thinking of you and wishing you a wonderful moment. Be well friend.
Delicious fruit, are they from your fruit trees? and yes a very handsome father!
Gorgeous photo, and great captures of the summer bounty
He is very handsome and the fruit is so beautiful! love, Beth
i love the colors and age of your
enamel bowls. they look so
beautiful with fruit in them.
and you DO have a handsome
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