Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Noahs Ark

Aaron's maths block is in full swing and measurement is our focus at the moment. He has spent his week measuring my feet, his chickens, the house, our bodies , you name it, its been measured...Yesterday, Tuesday (our Red day). We went off to our local park to measure how big Noah's Ark was. 300 cubits(450 feet) in length ,50 cubits(75 feet) wide and 30 cubits (45 feet) in height. It was really exciting pacing out this large ark. We tried to imagine how long it took to build. What wood they used and who was involved in building it. The discussion under the tree on red day was one I hope they don't forget...


Tammy said...

When we measured out Noah's ark, I was kind of surprised it wasn't wider or taller. The length didn't surprise me but the other 2 measurements did!

suzanne said...

Hi Tammy

We were sort of surprised how big it was. Looking at our park, it took up the whole length and width. It also must have used alot of wood. Well, we will never be able to pass our park and not think of the great flood again!

Hope you are well...
Warm regards

Linda said...

How lovely, to learn outside, isn't home education wonderful! I bet they'll always remember this day...

suzanne said...

We are blessed hey Linds. You cant even look out of a classroom window without been told you are day dreaming. Imagine being able to run around for an hour through long grass learning about measurement. Something special..

Kelly said...

You're right everyone, this is what it is all about! Suzanne, this has lingered with me all day - it is just wonderful. Was the ark really, really big?

suzanne said...

Hi Kelly

I found measurements for the ark from many online sites going by those measurments, it was large. Our park was the perfect location as it would have fitted neatly onto it.