Sunday, January 18, 2009

To my friend Jane

Dear Jane. Yesterday I wrote a list of what made me happy. Today I thought of all those organic vegetables I have been getting lately, all the knitting times we have shared and all that wool we have been gathering, all those children we have that play so nicely together, our husbands that allow us to buy all those books....lots of memories we are creating. Thank you my friend ......


Linda said...

Thank you Elizabeth, for your precious words, I really treasure our fiendship and the friendships between our little ones. All the special moments we all share together..... Our celebrations on birthdays, solstices and the teas we have at our knitting spot when we chat all afternoon, thank you my friend, without you over the road, the world would not be such an interesting place....
I love those roses....

Anonymous said...

This is more than a picture of roses....I can smell them and swear when I close my eyes and reach out my hand I can feel their sultry curves and silky petals....thank you for this on this very snowy day in the northern hemisphere!

suzanne said...

Thank you Wendy and Linds

I have had those roses in an old white enamel jug . The beauty and smell were so beautiful that I so desperately wanted to capture the moment. I think I did. I am going to post you the full bunch now girls!

Thank you